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Lund University, LTH, Sweden

György Ängelkott Bocz has received his MSc degree in architecture from Lund University, LTH. The topic of his final thesis was the development of a new type of element based, modular ecological housing system only built with straw-bale, wood and clay. 


Badger's Creek, Illstorp, Sweden

Ängelkottskompaniet at Badger's Creek has hosted the annual network meeting of Hållbart Byggande Syd Förening (Sustainable Building in the South Association). Besides a showing of the garden and the farm at Badger's Creek, the participants have had a nice dinner produced with local organic ingredients and held a board meeting afterwards.

2016 August-2017 January

Nesodden, Norway

Ängelkott works as an architect trainee at Gaia Oslo in Nesodden, Norway for half a year. 

The main focus of the placement is on ecological architecture and especially clay based stucco, flooring and paint systems. 


Ystad, Sweden

Ängelkottskompaniet was one of the members representing Hållbart Byggande Syd Förening (Sustainable Building in the South Association) at the Housing and Construction Fair (Bomässan) in Ystad. Besides introducing the activities of the association a lot of new contacts were made. The audience had the opportunity of touching, feeling and learning about ecological and environmentally friendly building materials, first hand...!

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